Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property management plan

To strengthen the industry's advanced position and maintain technological achievements, the company has formulated an intellectual property strategy that combines the company's operating goals, hoping to establish an operating model that uses intellectual property rights to create company value, which not only protects the company's freedom of operation, but also strengthens competitive advantage and can be invoked to help the company profit.

1.Business secret management:

The rules of work and the confidentiality agreement are as follows:
  1. Employees have the obligation to keep personal business and company business secrets.
  2. After taking office or resigning, employees are not allowed to disclose any business secrets and are obliged to keep business secrets. Otherwise, the company has the right to remove from office, can request punitive liquidated damages, and has legal traceability and compensation for the company’s losses or to pursue the disclosure of secrets together. The right to criminal responsibility.
  3. Employees employed by the company shall not disclose or use the business secrets of the former employer and shall inform the former employer of the confidentiality obligation when signing the confidentiality contract.
  4. Intentionally leaking the company’s technical and business secrets and causing damage to the company, the company may terminate the contract without prior notice.
  5. If the company suffers major disadvantages due to the leakage of company secrets, it is more important than punishment.

2.Outsourced management:

When the company outsources information that has not yet been disclosed or announced, it will be handled by the following regulations:
  1. The confidentiality requirements are stipulated in the contract, and shall not be transferred to a third party in any form without the consent of the company.

3.Patent Management:


4.Copyright Management:


The Administration Division regularly follows the following procedures to improve the management of intellectual property protection

(1) check:
Check management status and find out management weaknesses.
(2) Repair:
Repair management weaknesses and reduce the risk of leaks.
(3) implement:
mplement the implementation system and review the implementation status.
(4) keep improving:
In response to industry trends, refine the management model.
(5) Audit:
Fair and objective auditing to evaluate the management status.


The company regularly submits matters related to intellectual property to the report of the board of directors at least once a year, and the latest submission date is December 28, 2022.
1. The administration department regularly reviews and implements the confidentiality measures of computer files, and employees have exclusive accounts and access rights.
2. Sign a confidentiality contract for recruits and explain its importance.

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Obtain and achievements:
1. Patent: None
2. Copyright: None